Who am I?

about me within few words


My name is Stefan Kolev and I am a licensed Reconnective Healing Foundation and Reconnection-Certified Practitioner.

I grew up in the small country of Bulgaria, South-Eastern Europe, with the concept of God and the Universal laws, rather than with a specific religion. My mother has always taught me, that God is everywhere and not only in a building or specific place. She always said that I should pursue my own destiny/faith by maintaining and following the basic rules or laws of the Universe.

Following her advices, I always listened to my heart. Never questioned the ways the Universe does things and never set time-frames for her to do things for me. I let go of all expectations and “somehow, magically” things happen, sooner or later.

I have always been told, that I have strong energy in my hands and I could be doing healings. But I never could wrap my head around how would that happen. I came across the Reconnective Healing with a quote from the book “The Reconnection – Heal Others, Heal Yourself”, which caught my attention. I researched the book and decided to purchase it. As I was reading the book I felt it resonated with me on so many levels. Sure enough I didn’t stop there either. I decided to take it to the next level and found the website. I noticed there was an upcoming event in New York City few months ahead.

So, I signed up. Took part in that event and obtained my certificate for Reconnective Healing Foundation Practitioner.

Since May, 2021, I have been practicing mostly Distance Healing Sessions with clients from all over the world!

In October, 2021, I took the next and final course – Reconnection Certified Practitioner Program (Evolution/Level III) in Long Island.

In December, 2021, I graduated the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy (Level 1). I decided to expand my practice with facilitating past life regressions for clients. You can read more about what is a past life regression here. The regression technique was discovered and developed by Dolores Cannon (1931-2014) and she used it thousands of times over several decades. I felt really inspired by her work and I had to learn how to do it!

I am really happy I was presented with an amazing opportunity as I always wanted to help people in their journey called “life”. I am now able to do so in a various sacred way!

Thank you and I look forward to facilitating your Reconnective healing, Personal Reconnection or regression sessions!

