The simple answer is: there is no difference.

Let me explain in detail. Both sessions are an equally pleasant experience for the person interacting with the healing frequencies. However, during a session in person, the facilitator is able to monitor one’s registers.

What is a register?

When a person interacts with the healing frequencies, one can experience physical sensations, such as eye twitching, hand or finger twitching, the way of breathing may change, or even a foot kick, or arm jump. All these are called ‘registers’. The facilitator is able to keep an eye on these registers throughout a session held in person.

A session held at a distance does not mean these registers are not going to be present at all. However, the facilitator is unable to monitor them. They can be reported to the facilitator after the session, if the person receiving the healing has observed the presence of any.

What happens if you do not experience any registers?

That is no sign to worry about. Every person is a unique individual and has a unique awareness of themselves and their sensations. A good example I was given throughout my training is this: imagine 2 thermometers – one the size of your palm and the other the size of a skyscraper. Now, picture the temperature is changing with 1 degree, so both thermometers reflect that equally, at the same time. But, which thermometer will be easier to read? And if you thought the skyscraper-size one, you are correct.

We can apply the same principal to the registers when a person is interacting with the healing frequencies. The fact that there are no registers, shouldn’t scare you and doesn’t mean the person is not receiving the healing. It is simply, that their body is not showing it.

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