The Regression has been a known practice of healing for a few decades now. It is rather unconventional approach to healing. Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), which she developed and successfully used thousands of times over several decades, is taking the person in a Theta Somnambulistic level and exploring past live(s) to discover lessons, recurring issues and karmic ties that have an effect on the present life. Other hypnosis techniques are unable to achieve that level of trance. They work mostly at the Alpha level, which is also a meditative state of the brain.

Often “the experts” say there is no way to reach the subconscious of a person by putting them under a hypnosis. But Dolores Cannon proves everybody wrong and even makes medical doctors believe in “magic”.

When we incarnate on Earth, we forget who we are, where we come from and our connection with God or The Source. QHHT is a powerful tool to access that all knowing part of ourselves that has been called The Higher Self, The Oversoul, even the Soul itself. This method allows all people from any background, religion, culture and belief system to engage in the process of connecting to that Higher Self.

The Higher Self is the greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source. It has unlimited access to all knowledge and unlimited ability to heal the physical body.

Often mental or physical disorders and dis-ease-s are rooted in trauma from past lives. Sometimes they are connected to present life lessons being learned.The Higher Self reveals the cause and will help according to any soul’s particular lessons.

Anyone can be hypnotized. Because the moment a person closes their eyes, they are already in the Alpha state of hypnosis.

QHHT is safe and amazing approach to healing. With only one session a person can heal years of trauma and more.

There are few limitations to this approach. They include age limit, hearing disabilities and people with mental disorders. The subject needs to be at least 17 or 18 years old, otherwise they are too young to be put under hypnosis. They need to have some experience in life, before they reach the need of hypnotic healing. The person also needs to be able to hear the hypnotist and respond, therefore the technique is not suitable for people with hearing disabilities. And lastly, the person needs to be mentally stable to perform this session. They should not jump into “episodes”, as that would make the process of healing impossible.

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More about Dolores Cannon – she has written many inspiring books about the things she found in her regression sessions with her clients. 

Some of the books she wrote are:    


Convoluted Universe Book Series (Book 1 Preview)            








The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth









Keepers of the Garden     







And many others…

Book your past life regression with Stef!

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